The Jacksonians and Their Role in Today’s Politics, w/ John Ellis

Explanations of the 2016 and 2020 elections often get into “The Rust Belt.” Our guest does not see it that way. With John Ellis of News Corp, NBC, The Globe and currently of, we discuss the current political situation and a group of exurban and rural voters that seem to align with the values of 19th…

History Favors Running Incumbent Presidents, Wherever Possible

There is a lot of discussion about to run Biden or run someone else. I can’t tell you, in the scope of this podcast, who you should vote for President, or who you’d prefer to lead your country, but if you look at chances of a party winning or losing an election – History could…

The Asterisk: Bush vs. Reagan in Iowa 1980

In 1980, George Bush did the impossible. He went from three percent in the polls, an asterisk in the polls, as he called himself, to defeating front-runner Ronald Reagan in the Iowa caucuses. The issue: electability, moderation, and age. The event upset a rage and nearly changed history. Indeed, it put the Bush name into…

Desert One: If It Succeeded, Would Carter Have Been Re-Elected?

I was asked on Reddit: If Desert One had led to a victory, with hostages and troops home, would Carter have been re-elected? The answer is not so easy. To summarize, it is still very possible that Ronald Reagan wins the election in 1980. It does change the race though. I go through the Desert…

Move My Bill! A History of Discharge Petitions

It is a rarely used tactic, but when it works, it can do big things, like moving a bill through Congress even if the Speaker doesn’t support it. From civil rights to gun show loopholes, from budget balancing to debt ceilings, we look at the Discharge Petition. And why it’s become important for GOP conservatives…

Black Hawk and Black Hawk’s “War”

The story of Black Hawk’s War is central to the development of the Midwest of the United States. Notably, the securing of Illinois and the development of Iowa. But was it war? Was it worth fighting? Zachary Taylor has an opinion, among others. We tell the story of that war that involved two Presidents and…

Carter 1981

A President becomes a former President, after one of the most difficult last months of any Presidency.

Carter 1979

Year three of Jimmy Carter’s Presidency is a lot tougher than year one. An intraparty rival, nagging inflation, a hostage crisis and a break in relations with the Soviets. Carter attempts to make a different kind of Presidential speech, one that treats Americans as equals. Will it work? Music by the excellent Lee Rosevere and…

Carter 1977

The first year of the Jimmy Cater presidency. An unexpected candidate becomes a President and tries do do things differently. Acting less imperial, more like a citizen. Turning the thermostat down in the White House and carrying his own bags. He attacks what he sees as the major problem – energy. But his own party’s…

John Quincy Adams w/ Bob Crawford of The Road to Now Podcast

With Bob Crawford, co-host of Road to Now Podcast and bassist for The Avett Brothers, we talk about the sixth President, John Quincy Adams. Bob’s knowledge of this not well-known President shines through in the interview. He’s recently completed a series FOUNDING SON on JQA. We discuss not only his Presidency, but his post-Presidency. We…